Saturday, January 7, 2023

Engineer or Author

Throughout most of my 40+ year career I have worked as an engineer or applied mathematician, supporting others with diverse skills, including: geologists, hydrologists, meteorologists, and biologists. I didn't publish my first book until December 2015. Since then my online presence has been split. At first I wasn't sure how this would work but the results have been quite satisfying. Feel free to peruse either content and connect where you fit best.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

two persona

After creating two separate, though very similar, profiles in cyberspace, it's almost like I have two separate persona: one technical and one literary. I even keep two separate web pages: and

Why two names?

My mother and my aunt independently picked the same name for a son: James Dudley. James just happened to be the first name of my mother's father and my aunt's father. Dudley was my father's father's middle name. My cousin was born first so he got James Dudley and I got stuck with Dudley James. My cousin passed away in 2008 after a long battle with cancer. In 2015, when I started writing for a wider audience, I decided to try a variant, D. James, and that's where you will find my books